XavaMedia is a consultancy focused on development services in the
Rust programming language.
Dirkjan Ochtman
blog) is the director.
- Accelerate and influence the development roadmap of projects I work on
- Review and refactor your existing projects
- Implement a minimum viable concept of your project
- Port existing code in other languages to idiomatic Rust
I am a maintainer for the following Rust projects:
a widely used safe and efficient TLS implementation
Hickory DNS,
a set of DNS libraries
- Quinn,
a popular implementation of the QUIC protocol
- chrono
a popular date/time library, and
- indicatif,
a fast and versatile CLI progress bar implementation
- bb8,
a full-featured Tokio-based async connection pool
- gcp_auth,
a simple interface to authenticating with Google's Cloud Platform
- instant-acme,
an implementation of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555)
- instant-xml,
a rigourous serde alternative for mapping XML to Rust types
- instant-epp,
an implementation of the EPP protocol (RFC 5730 etc)
- instant-distance,
an implementation of the HNSW algorithm for vector search
- instant-segment,
a library for fast English word segmentation
- instant-akismet,
a simple interface to the Akismet anti-spam service
I have been writing Rust code since 2016, including:
- Network protocols
- Cryptography code
- Procedural macros
- Web backend projects
- Command-line utilities
- Contributions to rustup, Cargo and std
I look forward to hearing from you via